
Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Adopt-A-Highway Program?
In 1987 the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) initiated an Adopt-A-Highway program to solicit public involvement in controlling litter along selected sections of state highways. At least four times each year, volunteers participating in the program will pick up litter along designated stretches of state highways. Through the years the program has increased public awareness of what it takes to maintain the highway right-of-way while providing an opportunity for volunteers to become personally involved in keeping Arkansas beautiful.

Who can adopt an Arkansas highway?
Individuals, businesses and organizations can adopt a section (or sections) of state highway. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive recognition from ArDOT for their efforts on the anniversary date of joining the program. ArDOT reserves the right to deny adoption or renewal requests of any individual, business or organization based on any one of the following criteria:

  • Safety of the volunteer participants, passing motorists and ArDOT employees.
  • Effectiveness of litter control by volunteer participants.
  • Harm to the public image of the Adopt-A-Highway program and/or ArDOT.

In order to qualify for participation in the Adopt-A-Highway program, applicants must adhere to all state and federal non-discrimination laws. Specifically, applicants must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color or national origin. An application for participation must include the following:

  • The complete name and mailing address of the individual, business or organization applying.
  • The current charter or articles of incorporation of the organization (does not apply to individuals or businesses).
  • The complete name and mailing address of the president, chairman or authorized representative of the business or organization (does not apply to individuals).
  • The complete name and mailing address of all members within the business or organization that will actually participate in the collection of litter (does not apply to individuals).

Can we request a specific stretch of highway to adopt?
Specific segment requests are granted on a first come basis and evaluated for traffic volume, traffic type (percentage of large trucks), posted speed limit, and geometrics of the highway. Segment requests determined unsafe or inappropriate by the ArDOT District Engineer will not be granted.

How much highway can we adopt?
Generally sections of state highway are adopted in lengths from one to three miles, however greater lengths may be possible and are subject to availability and ArDOT District Engineer approval.

How often are we expected to pick up litter along the highway?
At a minimum, litter pick-up should be performed every three months within a year (once a quarter). Participants are encouraged to schedule at least one of their required four pick-ups to coincide with the Great American Trash-Off (held in the spring) or the Great Arkansas Clean-Up (held the first weekend after Labor Day). Participants will be notified in advance of these events.

News media coverage is always encouraged to promote the Adopt-A-Highway program and to recognize participating individuals, businesses and organizations.

What else do we need to know about adopting a highway?
The ArDOT District Engineer will coordinate litter pick-up activities with you and these activities will be monitored for safety compliance. ArDOT will furnish safety vests, advance warning signs for motorists and litter collection bags. The Department will dispose of bagged litter.

After each pick-up event, participants must file simple reports detailing the number of people involved, the number of bags of litter collected, and the number of hours spent picking up litter. Postage-paid litter pick-up report forms will be furnished by ArDOT. This record keeping activity is crucial in tracking the program’s success and will allow us to provide anonymous litter collection statistics to help promote the program.

See Guidelines for Participating in the Adopt-A-Highway Program.

What information can we include on our Adopt-A-Highway sign?
ArDOT will publicly recognize the community service you provide by installing signs (in both directions) along the section of adopted highway. The sign has a maximum of 34 spaces available for a name (limited to two lines with 17 characters per line). Spaces and dashes are considered characters. Slogans and logos are prohibited as well as names of candidates actively running for political office. Phone numbers, addresses, web sites, and social media handles are prohibited.


Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Adopt-A-Highway Program?
In 1987 the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) initiated an Adopt-A-Highway program to solicit public involvement in controlling litter along selected sections of state highways. At least four times each year, volunteers participating in the program will pick up litter along designated stretches of state highways. Through the years the program has increased public awareness of what it takes to maintain the highway right-of-way while providing an opportunity for volunteers to become personally involved in keeping Arkansas beautiful.

Who can adopt an Arkansas highway?
Individuals, businesses and organizations can adopt a section (or sections) of state highway. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive recognition from ArDOT for their efforts on the anniversary date of joining the program. ArDOT reserves the right to deny adoption or renewal requests of any individual, business or organization based on any one of the following criteria:

  • Safety of the volunteer participants, passing motorists and ArDOT employees.
  • Effectiveness of litter control by volunteer participants.
  • Harm to the public image of the Adopt-A-Highway program and/or ArDOT.

In order to qualify for participation in the Adopt-A-Highway program, applicants must adhere to all state and federal non-discrimination laws. Specifically, applicants must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color or national origin. An application for participation must include the following:

  • The complete name and mailing address of the individual, business or organization applying.
  • The current charter or articles of incorporation of the organization (does not apply to individuals or businesses).
  • The complete name and mailing address of the president, chairman or authorized representative of the business or organization (does not apply to individuals).
  • The complete name and mailing address of all members within the business or organization that will actually participate in the collection of litter (does not apply to individuals).

Can we request a specific stretch of highway to adopt?
Specific segment requests are granted on a first come basis and evaluated for traffic volume, traffic type (percentage of large trucks), posted speed limit, and geometrics of the highway. Segment requests determined unsafe or inappropriate by the ArDOT District Engineer will not be granted.

How much highway can we adopt?
Generally sections of state highway are adopted in lengths from one to three miles, however greater lengths may be possible and are subject to availability and ArDOT District Engineer approval.

How often are we expected to pick up litter along the highway?
At a minimum, litter pick-up should be performed every three months within a year (once a quarter). Participants are encouraged to schedule at least one of their required four pick-ups to coincide with the Great American Trash-Off (held in the spring) or the Great Arkansas Clean-Up (held the first weekend after Labor Day). Participants will be notified in advance of these events.

News media coverage is always encouraged to promote the Adopt-A-Highway program and to recognize participating individuals, businesses and organizations.

What else do we need to know about adopting a highway?
The ArDOT District Engineer will coordinate litter pick-up activities with you and these activities will be monitored for safety compliance. ArDOT will furnish safety vests, advance warning signs for motorists and litter collection bags. The Department will dispose of bagged litter.

After each pick-up event, participants must file simple reports detailing the number of people involved, the number of bags of litter collected, and the number of hours spent picking up litter. Postage-paid litter pick-up report forms will be furnished by ArDOT. This record keeping activity is crucial in tracking the program’s success and will allow us to provide anonymous litter collection statistics to help promote the program.

See Guidelines for Participating in the Adopt-A-Highway Program.

What information can we include on our Adopt-A-Highway sign?
ArDOT will publicly recognize the community service you provide by installing signs (in both directions) along the section of adopted highway. The sign has a maximum of 34 spaces available for a name (limited to two lines with 17 characters per line). Spaces and dashes are considered characters. Slogans and logos are prohibited as well as names of candidates actively running for political office. Phone numbers, addresses, web sites, and social media handles are prohibited.

District Nine District Four District Eight District Five District Ten District One District Three District Seven District Two District Six